What Did you think of… Crystal Symphony
Crystal Symphony
In this series for Facebook, we ask members of our team to give us their opinion of a cruise, on which, they have recently participated. We spend tens of thousands of dollars each year in sending our team members away on our preferred products, so they will have first hand knowledge to help you choose the perfect cruise experience.
Here are three quick questions we posed to Craig Bowen, our Managing Director, after he returned from an expedition cruise onboard a Crystal ship in Australia.
Question 1: You recently cruised with Crystal Symphony while she was in Australia. What stood out the most about your experience?
Answer: The food and service exceeded my expectations, and the generous space to guest ratio ensured that no area of the ship was ever crowded even though it was full.

Question 2: Crystal are known for their pre-emptive service. Can you give us an example of an instance where you received this onboard?
Answer: Our butler was always ahead of the game. In the first 24 hours noting our favourite beverages in the mini bar and without asking restocking these each day.

Question 3: Would you travel again on Crystal and, if you could take anyone with you (Celebrity or other), who would that be?
Answer: I would absolutely be happy to sail with Crystal again, and look forward to my travel companion being once again my beautiful wife Louise!

Photos provided by C. Bowen