Five Free Things – Cruise Traveller

Cruise Traveller Blog
Five Free Things

Viewing Five Free Things posts

Nickel & Diming in New Orleans

If you’ve got a bit of free time in New Orleans, we’ve got a few free ideas of things to do…

Five Free Things to do in (and around) Perth

Perth, Western Australia – what a town! Here’s five free things to do in and around this wonderful city.

Five Free Things to do in Auckland

Continuing on in our quest for activities you can do for a song (or less), here are some lovely things you can do in Auckland New Zealand next time you are in town…

Nashville for Nix

Got some time to kill in Nashville Tennessee? Well here’s a few things you can do for next to nothing! Nix!

Five Free things to do in Paris

The best things in life are free, especially when you are in gay Pareee….

Five great FREE things to do in London

Five of the easiest, free-est, cor-blime-est things to do in old London town next time you have a spare day or two.