GERMANY – Cologne Cathedral – Cruise Traveller

GERMANY – Cologne Cathedral

UNESCO World Heritage Sites of the World

Cologne Cathedral, Germany

In this series, we explore the UNESCO World Heritage Sites of the world. A site is deemed to be a World Heritage Site by UNESCO if it is of outstanding universal value and meets at least one out of ten selection criteria.

CATEGORY: Cultural & Art – Outstanding Universal Value

  • The Cologne Cathedral is an exceptional work of human creative genius
  • The building was constructed over more than six centuries and at the time of completion, marked the height of cathedral architecture
  • The Cologne Cathedral is a testimony to the strength and persistence of Christian belief in medieval and modern Europe

Cologne Cathedral

Begun in 1248, the construction of this Gothic masterpiece took place in several stages and was not completed until 1880. Over seven centuries, successive builders were inspired by the same faith and a spirit of absolute fidelity to the original plans. Apart from its exceptional intrinsic value and the artistic masterpieces it contains, Cologne Cathedral testifies to the enduring strength of European Christianity.(1)

Cologne Cathedral is a High Gothic five-aisled basilica (144.5 m long), with a projecting transept (86.25 m wide) and a tower facade (157.22 m high). The nave is 43.58 m high and the side-aisles 19.80 m. The western section, nave and transept begun in 1330, changes in style, but this is not perceptible in the overall building. The 19th century work follows the medieval forms and techniques faithfully, as can be seen by comparing it with the original medieval plan on parchment. (1)

Cruises starting in Cologne, Germany: CLICK HERE

Cruises ending in Cologne, Germany: CLICK HERE

(1) Information from: